One of the most exciting things about growing flowers is shopping for seeds. At least for me it is. My favorite way to shop for flower seeds is by browsing different gardening and seed websites. Earlier this week the last batch of seeds for this year arrived: Floret Originals! To say I was excited to receive these seeds is an understatement. I know I was not the only one who was anxiously waiting their release date and to finally have them in our hands.
The Floret Originals include varieties of celosias, dahlias, and zinnias. One of the cool things about some of the zinnia varieties is that they were grown in partnership with Dawn Creek Farms. The colors on these zinnias are unbelievable. Light, dreamy, colorful pastels in shades of pink and orange. The celosia varieties include plume and fan-like shapes and they come in the most vibrant shades of color.
The exciting thing about the dahlias in their collection is that they come from seed. That means that at the time of bloom, they will be completely new dahlias. They won't look like their parent flower at all. The possibilities are so magical, I can't wait to meet them.

Lastly, I'm growing a beautiful shade of sunflowers and three different shades of Aztec marigolds. Sunflowers have always had a special place in my heart, so being able to grow them and share them with you all is a dream. Marigolds are also special to me because they are a staple of Día de los Muertos altars. Their colors are so vibrant and emblematic of the season, it makes them the perfect Fall flower. I already have so many ideas for when their bloom time arrives.
While this is not the extensive list of seeds I'm growing this year, these are the one's I'm most excited to share with you all. Do you have any flowers that you look forward to having in your home or growing in your garden?
- Mayra